The solving for a Shopify store plenty of traffic but no sales

Hura Product Showcase Builder

Your Shopify store get traffic but no sales. Of course it’s still better than not having any of it. But actually that’s not really good. Because what you want is sales, not traffic.

There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself to make all the necessary changes and improvements which will lead to having prospective customers.

1. The first thing to consider is your bounce rate. It indicates how much time the visitor spent on your website. For example, if your visitors on average spend 5 seconds on your store, it means it was either not what they were looking for or it or your store wasn’t as engaging as they would want it to be.

2. So after having a look at your analytics and checking the above-mentioned information, you can check if your store is easy to navigate and if the collection sections are displayed in an eye-catching way. People find it easier to close the tab rather than to go deep and find the sections you might have on your store.

After all, you are not the only one selling the item they want. You have competitors who might get more sales than you just because it was displayed correctly.

3. Do a QA testing to make sure everything works correctly. For example, there was a store which had lots of visits but no sales and it turned out the “Add to Cart” button wasn’t clickable.

If you don’t know how to do this, ask professional QA engineers to do so or simply ask your friends to check everything on your store and make sure everything works properly. .

Of course, having a professional doing so would be better but if you are low on budget, then the second option will be much preferable.

4. The source of your traffic is also important. You can refer this article to increase organic traffic to your Shopify store.

If you are doing paid ads, make sure your target audience and the countries are chosen correctly. Otherwise, the money you spend on ads will be in vain.

5. Another highly important aspect to consider is the uniqueness of the products. If you are just selling random products from Aliexpress, everyone can find and buy them. Try to be creative and find items that would trigger your visitors to buy them.

6. And to keep your visitors longer on your website, you can re-target them by activating popups with the special offers you have. Or a subscription popup for sending them your latest news.

7. It is important to have relevant pricing for your products. The way you chose the price of your products matters. Are they the same/different from that of your competitors? Or do you have discounts? Why would a person buy from you if the price of the item they want is higher than they are ready to pay for.

8. The means of communication you provide for your visitors is also important. Generally, you need to have a “Contact Us” page, a live chat tool and a phone number (the latter is optional but better to have). Provide all the resources for your visitors to contact you in case of questions.

Souce: Quora

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