11+ Best Shopify Auto Tag Apps for Customers, Products, Orders

Hura Product Showcase Builder

Applying tags can help you filter customers, products, orders based on a particular set of criteria.

You are tired of having to manually add tags. Forget about adding tags manually and save a huge amount of time by accessing the power of automation and tag your customers, products, orders based on simple or complex rules of your choosing.

These are the best Shopify auto tag apps for you.

1. Order Tagger

Tagging orders is a vital step in building automation workflows for the processing and fulfilment of orders.

Order Tagger can automatically tag orders based on a wide variety of conditions.

Order Tagger rules can be triggered at different stages of the fulfilment process, such as when an order is:

  • Created
  • Fulfilled
  • Partially fulfilled
  • Cancelled
  • Abandoned

Most order data can be used as the criteria for creating rules. The rule builder criteria are grouped into the following categories:

  • Billing
  • Shipping
  • Customer
  • Transaction
  • Fulfilment
  • Other
  • Integration
  • Products
  • Order

The rule builder allows you to select multiple criteria and conditions to create highly segmented rules to target and tag specific orders.


  • Tagging orders from customers with multiple open orders
  • Tagging orders with the selected delivery date, pick-up date from all of the popular Delivery Date Picker apps
  • Tagging orders based on the zip code/postcode selected
  • Tagging orders which contain out of stock products
  • Tagging orders based on which location they will be fulfilled from
  • Tagging orders which have been cancelled to ensure they’re not fulfilled.


2. Customer Tagger

You can create rules in Customer Tagger to tag customers based on what they buy, how much they spend or where they are located etc. When an order is placed, the app will run your rules against the order and will then apply or remove tags if the rule is matched.

These auto tags can then be used to segment marketing lists, control access or manage discounts. You can use Customer Tagger alongside Shopify Email to create customer groups for your marketing campaigns. Set up the rules and backdate to quickly create a niche group of customers


3. TagRobot: Customers + Orders

TagRobot allows you to organize and streamline your management of orders as well as segment your customers directly within the admin area of your store.

When handling and fulfilling different types of orders, TagRobot is your intuitive, handy and flexible solution that makes your management team happier and more effective.

Working within your existing admin interface, you can filter your orders and customers by tags and save those applied filters as searches for future use. This provides a simple and effective way to work with order and customer segments.

Tags for orders and customers are also available inside your store’s notification templates (including Order Printer), so you can make your notifications more personal based on the tags, you have deemed appropriate for your store and your customers.

A preview of the tagging rules available in TagRobot:

  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer when any order is placed
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order is placed with a note from the customer
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer if the customer has certain tags
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on an order’s quantity, subtotal, total or discount value
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order requires shipping
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer orders for the first or nth time
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on an order’s shipping country or zone
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order is paid using a gift card
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on any discount codes used
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on the ordered products, variants, tags, collections or types
  • Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on the ordered products being out of stock


4. Easy Tagging

Add tags automatically to orders, products and customers matching certain criteria. The app is really straightforward. You just need to setup your rules and the app will take care of tagging your orders, products and customers that match the criteria.


5. Bulk Edit Tags by Power Tools

This app helps you quickly add, remove or replace your product tags in bulk.

  • Combine Collections: Want to create more complex collections, or even combine existing ones? All you need to do is create a new collection with the rule – tag equals ‘my-new-tag’. Then, add that tag to all the products in a couple of clicks.
  • Add, Remove & Replace Based On Tags: This new feature allows you to replace any existing tag or tags. For example, if you have a product tagged ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’, you can add ‘Multi-color’ as a tag. Or, even replace ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ with ‘Red-Blue’.
  • Add & Remove By Product Description: Ever needed to add some tags based on the product description? Now you can. For example, if your products have a description like ‘Organic: Yes’. Now you can tag all your products with ‘Organic’ in one step!



6. Ordersify: Automation Tags

Ordersify Automation Tags automatically tags your resources based on a variety of conditions. The app creates a tag when your resources match to that rule with a given rule tag. It also supports to combine more rule at once with operators: AND and OR.

Your orders, customers, products will be tagged automatically and immediately after being created or updated from Shopify. You can activate this feature in the Automation Tag menu inside the app.

Besides running automatically, the app also helps you to tag your resources manually when you need to tag the previous ones or anywhen you need to tag them.


7. Smart Tags

Use Smart Tags to automatically tag your products, orders and customers, the smart way. Tag your products, orders, and even customers, based on type, vendor, price, weight, variant, quantity and more! Think of it like automated collections (smart collections), but for tags!

Available Smart Tags:

  • Tag products based on any products fields
  • Tag orders based on any order fields
  • Tag customers based on any customers fields
  • Tag product with its type
  • Tag product with its vendor name
  • Tag product if its on sale
  • Tag product with its variant options (for e.g. Size, Colors, etc)
  • Tag product based on its price range
  • Tag product based on its weight range
  • Tag product based on its total stock quantity
  • Tag product based on keywords found in your product title or description


8. Auto tag Customers + Orders

This app automatically tags orders based on a variety of conditions. You simply create a rule and then when an order matches that rule, we tag it. This allows you to group your orders based on tags to streamline your fulfillment process, highlight particular orders and much more.

Auto tags orders and customers by:

  • Pre Order – matches the condition with the product variant quantity.
  • Order count – matches the condition with the customer total order count.
  • Shipping Provider – tag base on the shipping provider like UPS, etc…
  • POS – Tag order or customer if the order is placed by the POS device.
  • SKU – Tag order base on the SKU.
  • Payment Methods – Tag based on the Payment Method like COD, money order, bank deposit, etc
  • Products (including variants) – checks the order line item.
  • Collections – checks if a product belongs to the selected collection
  • Order amount – matches the condition with the order total amount
  • Number of orders – matches the condition with a number of total orders
  • Order billing or shipping address (including zip-code, city, country)
  • Current customer tag – If a customer has a specific tag
  • Customer email – matches the condition with customer email to see if it contains a specific word
  • Tag by discount code – Tag all the customers who use specific discount codes. and many more…


9. Tag Automation

Use Tag Automation to automatically tag your orders, customers, and products. Applying tags can help your filter based on a particular set of criteria. For example, you might want to filter orders that are placed by first-time customers to your store in order to send them a welcome gift.

Or, you might want to tag orders which are marked as high risk and are above a certain value in order to verify the customer’s identity before fulfilling the order.

Once you’ve defined a set of rules, you can trigger rules manually to tag relevant orders, customers or products.


10. Order Automator

This app can tag orders or customers based on rules you create.


11. Simple Bulk Tag Editor

This app was created to provide a tool that allows users to update the tags of their products in bulk. It allows you to make changes easily, while still providing the flexibility you need to customize your tag changes and apply them to a distinct selection of products.

This app features the ability to filter products by many different categories, selecting individual products, and schedule changes to be applied either now or at a future date.

There is also a page where you can monitor the status of your jobs, so you can see when the tag changes are scheduled to be applied and when they are actually applied. By scheduling tag changes, you can make your business more efficient by automating some of the difficulties associated with manually updating tags in bulk, and you get the benefit of having it scheduled at any specified date. Further, you can increase conversion by strategically shifting prices to align with demand.


12. Smart Taggers

Smart Tagger helps merchants to automate tagging of orders or customers based on a set of flexible criteria. You can set up smart tagger in a few seconds, no coding required.


  • Tag orders automatically
  • Tag customers automatically
  • Powerful wizard to set up the tagger configuration


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