Tagged: SEO


8 SEO Best Practices for Domains

While your domain name is important, it’s just step one to achieving rankings for relevant keywords for your website. Once you’ve landed the domain name of your choice, you’ll want to work on a...


How to improve SEO for your Shopify store

Your online store can only do its job if people can find it. SEO (search engine optimization) — a collection of tactics website owners can use to increase your ranking in the search engine...


14 SEO tasks for your Shopify store

Look for and remove duplicated content. Nothing kills a site like duplicated content. So get rid of it immediately. Check the navigation menu and usability. Make sure your site has a simple navigation menu...


6 Ways to Increase Backlinks

What Are Backlinks? Backlinks are links to your site from other sites. Each link serves as a validation to search engines that the linked page is worthy of ranking. The most valuable backlinks come...