Tagged: Shopify liquid


How to compare dates in Shopify?

In Shopify, the dates are strings so you can’t compare strings in the usual way. With Shopify liquid, you have to use the %s date filter to convert the date time to Unix epoch...


Extracting all images from an article for a slideshow gallery

The below liquid code help you extract all images from an article.

You can use it to create a slideshow gallery.


How to check if a number is divisible by another number in Shopify

Shopify Liquid don’t support a function to check if a number is divisible by another number. But you can combine 2 functions: “modulo” and “if” to do that.


Adding in discount code at cart page

Discount codes can only be processed in the checkout. This customization allows users to enter their discount code on the cart page, the discount code is sent into the checkout as a url parameter...