Make Your Online Store Retina-Ready. Choose a Retina Theme for Shopify
Do you want to improve or create an online shop? If you don’t know where to start, I would recommend beginning from a quality image of a website. A retina theme for Shopify will give a sharp picture on any screen device, mainly when we use our phones more and more often than laptops to surf the web.
High-resolution displays such as retina screens have become increasingly popular, mainly since Apple has released iPad3 at the market. These displays have a high-resolution and a significantly higher pixel density than other screens. On the same display area, there are four times more pixels. And they are so tiny that they are no longer perceptible to the human eye. Texts, graphics, and image files appear pin-sharp on retina displays.
About Retina-ready technology
A pixel graphic that fills the entire screen at normal resolution would occupy only 25% of the display on a retina display of the same size.
In a nutshell, websites without a Retina Ready web design can look blurry and pixelated. This effect is similar to that of a simple website enlargement. Therefore, web designers must optimize the icons, buttons, and graphics integrated into websites for displays with an increased pixel density. Thus, they can provide high-quality websites with pin-sharp elements for retina displays as well.
The simplest solution to solve this problem is to download alternative images. So, they will double. However, in practice, everything is not so simple.

There are several approaches to solving this problem:
- HTML markup and CSS styles
- Pure CSS
- JavaScript
- fonts with icons
I must say that none of these solutions is 100% productive. Both LowRes and High DPI platforms, semantics, cross-browser compatibility, mobile platforms will suffer.
But still, if you want a high-quality, responsive website, you can not do without Retina. Therefore, I offer you to use the Shopify theme with support for Retina-Ready technology. These templates use fonts and graphics based on vectors. Layout elements such as buttons, icons, or graphics developed in CSS3 are mostly based on vectors. That is why they enable excellent performance even on high-resolution monitors. Buying a retina-ready Shopify theme with suitable web design for your online store, you save a lot of money and time.

What features should a retina-ready Shopify theme have?
- Fully responsive design
- Blog
- SEO-friendly code
- Newsletter form
- Sorting options
- Ajax cart
- Search form
- Multicurrency
- Multilingual
- Google Map
- Product quick view
- Easy to customize
- Cross-browser compatibility
I have made a collection for you of 10 best retina Shopify themes.
They include almost all the features that I have mentioned above. In this collection, you can find templates that cover any topic that you need. You can quickly and easily create an online store without any coding skills.
Newelise – Jewelry Elegant Minimalistic Shopify Theme

Happy Pup – Pet Shop Store Shopify Theme

Skin beauty – Cosmetics Store Clean Shopify Theme

Popshop – Sweet Shop Clean Shopify Theme

Under+Wear – Lingerie Store Shopify Theme

Pets Store Themes Bundle Shopify Theme

BERWEAR – Fashion Multipage Elegant Shopify Theme

sshoes – Shoe Store Clean Shopify Theme

Electra Electronics Shopify Theme

Beard Products Store Template Shopify Theme